Wednesday, June 6, 2012


If only you could have been there to fully understand the catastrophe of a day that was known as June 5, 2012.  I'm going to do my best to bring yesterday to life for you.  

My day started out fantastically.  Tuesdays are my one day off a week during the summer.  Therefore, I try to enjoy them as much as possible.  The previous night I had spent with a dear friend of mine, and ended up staying at their house, as they live a bit far from me.  We woke up, had some wonderful breakfast and conversation at a local diner, and then I was  Toms River bound.  It was gorgeous outside.  The radio station was actually playing some decent music, and everything was going great.  I even stopped to see my mom for a bit at work. She's a nanny, so I got to hang out with the adorable kids she takes care of.  So far my day was excellent.

And then I got home.

Now, at that point I was in a great mood. I was up at a decent hour (which usually does not happen on Tuesdays, since I'm usually sleeping off the Jameson & Gingers from the night before). It was beautiful out, and, being that most of my friends were still sleeping, I figured I would be productive and get some laundry done. By laundry, I mean the ever growing mountain of clothes that had been piling up in my room.  I walk up to my front door and - oh, there's a letter jammed in there.  Who could it be from? Oh the electric company? Termination Notice?! PERFECT. So much for laundry...

Now, if you knew my family, you would understand that this is exactly what would happen.  So I did what I usually would and called my father. Who did not answer. Because he never answers when necessary.  He eventually calls me back and I inform him of the problem. Does he come home to fix it? No. Now, I understand he was working. But holy crap, what's a girl supposed to do with no electricity? 

Now,  while it does put a damper on my productivity, I have learned that there is nothing I can do about things like this, so I just make the best of the situation.  Usually I joke about it, that way I don't get depressed and fall into a deep hole of sadness and self pity due to the large amount of bad luck my last name brings to me.  I've learned to keep my glass half full - preferably with wine. So I made some lunch plans with my friends. I figured I might as well enjoy my day. 

And then my brother came out of his cave in the basement.

Oh, you haven't met my brother. His name is Ricky and he is 22.  While he is my best friend, and I love him dearly...he can be a miserable ass sometimes. Especially in times such as this. He kind of turns into the incredible hulk, but red instead of green. RICKY ANGRY. RICKY SMASH AND PUNCH HOLES IN WALLS. ROOOOOAAAAAAR.

Yeah, that's about right.

I had seriously been hoping and praying that I would be out of the house before he woke up and realized there was no electricity.  

Yeah, that obviously didn't happen. 


Awesome. Just what I want to hear while trying to keep my glass half full...which was even more difficult as there was no wine. He always brings such light to difficult situations.  Thankfully, my 17 year old brother, BJ had just come home from high school.  While obviously he was not happy about our temporary lack of modern technology, he is much like me in the way that he can just go with the flow.  So he brought out his beebee gun  (Bebe? Bibi? BB?), and that acted as a short term distraction for them both. Apparently there's nothing as soothing as shooting little pellets at the trees behind our house and backboard of our basketball net.  Who knew?

Anyway, at this point my beautiful friend Marissa picked me up and saved me from the fiasco that was going on at my house. We ate, we shopped, we laughed. Great times were had by all. I figured by the time I got home my dad would be home to sort out the situation.

Nope. Not at all. In fact, the situation had gotten worse.

We now had no running water either.

Okay, so being at my house was kind of like living in a third world country at the moment. No big deal.  Oh, it was a big deal.  Ricky was having a cow over it.  Someone (Ricky) had pooped in the bathroom only to find it wouldn't flush. My brother's girlfriend was apparently over enjoying her trip back to medieval times... or not enjoying it so much.  Why my brother would have his girlfriend over at that moment, I have no idea.  So I call my dad, who doesn't answer until the 97th time.  He informs me he'll be home in 25 minutes.  I inform him that I will not tolerate another moment of his crazed cow birthing son Ricky, and that I am going to drive aimlessly around town just so I don't have to hear his stupid angry voice or look at his stupid angry face.  I'm very mature when I'm irritated.  Don't judge me.  

As I was leaving, my brother asked where I was going. I told him Target & such, since that sounded believable. He then informed me that he "needed to go to Target, but he didn't need to deal with the f***king 'and such' part!!!!!!" and he slammed the door. Such a nice boy.

So, thankfully, my wonderful adopted sister Megan took me into her home, gave me shelter, electricity, and running water. Let me tell you how good it feels to pee after coming to the realization that you yourself have no toilet to pee in at the moment. It's like Christmas morning.  Well, we had decided earlier in the day to go see Men in Black III.  But first my dad calls us and invites us to dinner. Well, in reality I was told we were going out for dinner to IHOP (since we couldn't really cook) and I informed them Meg was coming. It was a welcome addition, as it helped keep our morale up (except for the Incredible Rick, who sulked in the corner and smoldered in fury the whole meal). What situation would whole wheat pancakes with bananas not make better? Honestly.  All in all, Meg and I were able to make light of the situation and invited everyone to MIB3, because who doesn't feel better after watching those movies? 

The movie was a success, I honestly loved it. I don't care what people say. It was awesome and it made my day so much better. There was an argument in the car involving the Beach Boys and the Beastie Boys, and whether Elijah Wood was in Men In Black 3. He wasn't. But BJ thought so. Silly boy. 

When we got home, there was water! Hallelujah!  And my dad had a generator going so we could charge phones and use lights! Huzzah!  

Hopefully, after work today there will be full electricity in my house, but who knows? We may still be living in Uganda or somewhere such as that.  I'll keep everyone posted.... 

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