Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hello world. My name is Kristina Harrington.  While some of you may know me, let me introduce myself.  I come from the town of Toms River, New Jersey.  I am the oldest of 4 children. We are all redheads. Yep, Gingers. As you can imagine, it is pure entertainment.

However, we happen to be Harringtons. I'm pretty sure that if you went way, way back into the history of our last name, it would probably say, "People with the worst luck of all time."  I'm not kidding. Google that shit.  I have never met a family such as ours. Everything that can go wrong, usually does. In the end, everything usually works out.  But there is no such thing as "the easy way out" in our family.  We do try and make light of the situation though. If we didn't laugh about it, we'd cry.

After an exceptionally unfortunate day yesterday, I decided that I needed to share my family shenanigans with the world. Seriously, you guys will laugh. You can't come up with this shit.  I promise that it is all true.  So sit back, grab a beer, and enjoy :)

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